- Aids in pain relief and improves blood circulation
- Improves posture
- Promotes relaxation and calms the nervous system
- Lubricates joints and enhances joint mobility
- Relieves muscular tension
- Reduces fatigue and anxiety
- Improves flexibility (for a better surf experience in Santa Cruz!)
- Promotes better sleep
- Provide relief from headaches and migraines
- Brings a state of tranquility to the mind and spirit
Benefits of Abhyanga Massage
- Calms the nervous system, promotes deep relaxation
- Lubricates and brings mobility and flexibility to the joints
- Imparts muscle tone and vitality to the dhatus (tissues) of the body
- Helps to balance the doshas (subtle energies within the body that can contribute to blockages and dis-ease when out of balance)
- Nourishes and hydrates the skin, decreases the effects of aging and brings a healthy glow to the body
- Helps to relieve pain and swelling
- Flushes out lactic acid from muscle tissues (induced from strenuous exercise)
- Improves the circulation of blood and lymph, promoting detoxification
- Brings a feeling of lightness and vitality to the body
- Calms the nervous system, promotes deep relaxation
- Promotes healthy hormone balance and builds immune response
- Improves quality of sleep
- Imparts muscle tone and vigor to the dhatus (tissues) of the body